Event Series Randy Gleason at Horvath’s Harbor

Randy Gleason at Horvath’s Harbor

Horvath's Harbor 14675 Zion Road, Thornville, Ohio

Randy Gleason is a 25-year-old solo acoustic artist from Shawnee, Ohio. At the age of 12, Randy picked up the guitar and started learning by playing old classic rock songs. At the age of 22, Randy decided to break off and become his own solo act. Randy brings high energy that is not accustomed to just regular solo acts-- covering music from the '60s to now with everything from Neil Young to Three Doors Down.

Licking County Master Gardeners at The Harbor Community Center

The Harbor Community Center 5312 Walnut Road, Buckeye Lake, OH

Energize and spark the gardener inside of you by attending this series of programs provided by the Licking County Master Gardener Volunteers of Ohio State University Extension. It's sure to cultivate a love of gardening! Programs are free and will run the third Friday of the month, from April through September at The Harbor Community Center. All programs are between 1 - 2:30 p.m.

Easter Egg Hunt at Waterfront at Buckeye Lake

Waterfront on Buckeye Lake 10055 Sunfish Lane, Thornville, OH

Join Waterfront at Buckeye Lake for an Easter egg hunt for all ages! Come out and try to find as many eggs as you can for a chance to win a cool prize! Follow this event or learn more on Facebook.

Open Farm: Easter Edition

Tara Agriculture 8349 Baltimore-Somerset Road, Thornville, OH, United States

Visit Tara Agriculture on Saturday, April 16 for an Open Farm to meet the alpacas! During the event, you will be able to tour the farm, enjoy photo stations with the alpacas (before the alpacas' annual haircuts), participate in a scavenger hunt for prizes, and browse a farm stand offering alpaca products.