Birds of Buckeye Lake at the Harbor Community Center

The Harbor Community Center 5312 Walnut Road, Buckeye Lake, OH

Join presenters Joy Pratt and Chance Patzick, Naturalist as they discuss the birds of Buckeye Lake!  Featuring the Prothonotary Warbler Project on Cranberry Bog, Friday July 21st at 1PM-2:30PM.

Event Series Randy Gleason at Horvath’s Harbor

Randy Gleason at Horvath’s Harbor

Horvath's Harbor 14675 Zion Road, Thornville, Ohio

Visit Horvath's Harbor to enjoy the atmosphere and some great live music. Randy Gleason is a 25-year-old solo acoustic artist from Shawnee, Ohio. At the age of 12, Randy picked up the guitar and started learning by playing old classic rock songs. At the age of 22, Randy decided to break off and become his… Continue Reading Randy Gleason at Horvath’s Harbor

Cruisin’ on the Commons at the Millersport Lions Park

Millersport Lions Park 2900 Chautauqua Blvd, Millersport, OH, United States

Stop out June 16, July 21, and August 18, 2023 from 5:00pm to 8:00pm (registration is 5:00pm - 7:00pm) for Cruisin' on the Commons at the Millersport Lions Park for a car, truck, and motorcycle show!  Enjoy fun, trophies, music, door prizes, and food!  For more information, call 614-562-1919 or 740-953-1521.  All proceeds will benefit… Continue Reading Cruisin’ on the Commons at the Millersport Lions Park

Paddleboarding at Buckeye Lake’s Snug Harbor

Snug Harbor Village 11947 McMurray Way, Thornville, OH, United States

Join Pea Ohana Watersports for the 2023 Fit N' Paddle series at Snug Harbor! Enjoy Standup Paddleboarding at Snug Harbor in Buckeye Lake. Each session includes a fun dry land workout followed by a brief dry land paddleboarding usage & safety instructional & your entire experience will be led by a trained guide. Learn more… Continue Reading Paddleboarding at Buckeye Lake’s Snug Harbor